HP StoreEver LTO-6 Ultrium 6650 SAS External Tape Drive – EH964A


HP StoreEver LTO-6 Ultrium 6650 SAS External Tape Drive-EH964A


  • HP LTO-6 Ultrium Tape Drives represents Sixth generation of LTO tape drive technology capable of storing up to 6.25 TB per cartridge while providing enterprise tape drive management capabilities with TapeAssure, hardware-based data encryption for greater levels of security and ease of use with HP StoreOpen and LTFS at an unprecedented performance.
  • Linear Tape File System (LTFS) is an open format for storing data on tape that makes LTO-6 tapes self-describing and file-based together with HP StoreOpen tape is now as easy to use as a disk drive, simplifing file sharing across platforms.
  • With HP TapeAssure customers can be confident that their data is safe by monitoring drive and media utilization, operational performance and life/health information for drive and media.
  • Data hardware encryption using AES 256-bit provides easy-to-enable security to protect the most sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access of tape cartridges. By using encryption, data is fully capable of being compressed therefore maximizing capacity; encrypted backups are completed without a loss in performance.
  • Capable of data transfer rates up to 400 MB/sec, HP’s exclusive Data Rate Matching further optimizes performance by matching host system speed to keep drives streaming, thus enabling the fastest tape performance.


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