آموزش ریست رمز عبور ILO 3 در سرور های HP
آموزش ریست رمز عبور ILO 3 در سرور های HP
Online method:
Resetting Password Using XML Scripts:
iLO 3 password can be reset using the Administrator_reset_pw.xml script. The sample script is available in HP Lights-Out XML Scripting Samples.
Click here to download “HP Lights-Out XML Scripting Sample for Windows” .
A few sample scripts are included in the HPONCFG delivery package. A package containing various and comprehensive sample scripts which includes Administrator_reset_pw.xml. Refer HP Integrated Lights-Out Management Processor Scripting and Command Line Resource Guide page number 62 for more information Installing HPONCFG and HPONCFG utility.
Click here to access the document titled “HP iLO 3 Scripting and Command Line Guide” .
Offline method:
The iLO 3 Security Override Switch allows the administrator full access to the iLO 3 processor. This access may be necessary for any of the following conditions:
iLO 3 must be re-enabled after it has been disabled.
All user accounts with the Administer User Accounts privilege have been locked out.
A bad configuration keeps the iLO 3 from displaying on the network and RBSU has been disabled.
The boot block must be flashed.
iLO 3 must be re-enabled after it has been disabled.
All user accounts with the Administer User Accounts privilege have been locked out.
A bad configuration keeps the iLO 3 from displaying on the network and RBSU has been disabled.
The boot block must be flashed.
Ramifications of setting the Security Override Switch include:
All security authorization checks are disabled while the switch is set.
iLO 3 RBSU runs if the host server is reset.
iLO 3 is not disabled and might display on the network as configured.
iLO 3, if disabled while the Security Override Switch is set, does not log the user out and complete the disable process until the power is cycled on the server.
The boot block is exposed for programming.
A warning message is displayed on iLO 3 browser pages indicating that the iLO 3 Security Override Switch is currently in use. An iLO 3 log entry records the use of the iLO 3 Security Override Switch. An SNMP alert can also be sent upon setting or clearing the iLO 3 Security Override Switch.
Setting the iLO 3 Security Override Switch also enables you to flash the iLO 3 boot block. HP does not anticipate that you will need to update the iLO 3 boot block. If an iLO 3 boot block update is ever required, physical presence at the server will be required to reprogram the boot block and reset iLO 3. The boot block will be exposed until iLO 3 is reset. The iLO 3 Security Override Switch is located inside the server and cannot be accessed without opening the server enclosure.
To set the iLO 3 Security Override Switch:
Power off the server.
Set the switch.
Power on the server.
Reverse the procedure to clear the iLO 3 Security Override Switch.
Depending on the server, the iLO 3 Security Override Switch might be a single jumper or a specific switch position on a dip switch panel. To access and locate the iLO 3 Security Override Switch, refer to the server documentation. The iLO 3 Security Override Switch can also be located using the diagrams on the server access panel.
Click here to open the manuals for respective servers.