محیط :
FACT:HP ProLiant Gen8 Servers
FACT:Intelligent Provisioning
سئوال :
هدف:Clear hard drives
هدف:Clear Active Health System logs
هدف:Reset RBSU
علت :
CAUSE:Erase Utility to clear hard drives and the Active Health System logs, and to reset RBSU settings.
پاسخ و راهکار :
راه حل:Use the Erase Utility to clear hard drives and the Active Health System logs, and to reset RBSU settings.
۱) Power on or reboot the server and press F10 when prompted during the server POST to access Intelligent Provisioning.
۲) Select Perform Maintenance menu.
۳) In the Perform Maintenance window, click Erase. The Erase Utility window appears

علت : Based on your selections in this utility, the Erase Utility erases data from the specified  areas of the system. Existing data and system configuration settings are lost.

Do Not EraseResetSecure Erase Mode
All Hard DrivesDoes not erase any hard drive operationsErases the master boot record of the hard drives, so they are no longer bootableErases the master boot record of the hard drives, so they are no longer bootable
Active Health System logDoes not erase AHS logsMounts AHS partitions and erases all files in the partitionNot an available option
RBSUDoes not reset RBSU settingsResets the RBSU settings to defaultNot an available option
نکته- Hard Drive Secure Erases may take hours, or, for larger drives, days to complete. This is expected behavior for this  thorough erase procedure.  

نکته-  For an RBSU password protected server, AHS logs are not reset.

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